Hainan Chicken Rice, Hongkong (HA 28512a) by H.A Studio

Designer and Builder: David Huynh (vboihuynh)

Location: Central, Hongkong

Year: 2021

Scale: 1:1

H.A Studio @huynh_arch_studio

Design Concept

I’m so excited to share my Lego model of the Hainan Chicken Rice which is built in the style at the Kreta Ayer Hainan Chicken Specialist in Central, Hong Kong with the restaurant's boss - David Wu. I tried to use every single element of Lego to build it with many details in order to achieve 95% similarity with the reality of the Hainan Chicken Rice. It's so good and delicious. I always love this dish. So, I want to bring it into the Lego model for everyone could know and learn about its culture. Of course, the Lego model could not eat.

1. What makes the Hainan Chicken Rice so special?

I think that the Hainan Chicken Rice is a delicious and wonderful dish of Southeast Asia including poached chicken, seasoned rice (or white rice) usually with cucumber garnishes. It is served with a variety of sauces which chili sweet and sour sauce, minced ginger, and sweet soy sauce, as well as come with a small cup of radish chicken soup. Have you ever tried the Hainan chicken rice before? 

It is considered one of the national dishes of Singapore by the Hainanese immigrants originally from Hainan province in China with a long history. And then its culture spread and became popular in Southeast Asia (Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, and Hongkong). Nowadays, some people would have their personal stories with it. Here, I want to emphasize the Hainan Chicken Rice in Hong Kong. 

2. And, why did you choose it at Kreta Ayer Hainan Chicken Specialist - Singaporean in Central Hong Kong?

I accidentally knew the Kreta Ayer Hainan Chicken Specialist in Central, Hong Kong through the interview article of Hong Kong last month. After I read the article, I got the inspiration and I feel that the Hainan Chicken Rice would bring something new to Lego ideas. That sounds really interesting! I would say that this Lego model could be shown the great idea of Asian food culture. Here, I would do that with my strong belief.

According to the interview article, 伍大為Wu Da Wei (David Wu) moved from Canada to Hongkong with his family, he started his business to be a boss at the Kreta Ayer Hainan Chicken Specialist in Central Hong Kong. He is a new boss in business. I really admired David's way of doing business. He's very dedicated and persevered as well as taking care of customers. In fact, opening two more restaurants during this hard time, he didn't give up. He tried to keep with his mind that the most important his employee having a job. He said, "I don't know if I win or lose, but I can win if I do it."─ It's like a “love.” He said that he thanked this Hainan chicken rice, many people could know about his restaurant.  On Gilman's Bazaar Street in Central, Hongkong there is a line of people - mostly office workers in front of his restaurant every day to order to-go HK $34 a dish of the Hainan chicken rice with taking customer around 1-minute can pick up, compared to lunch in Central with a leisurely lunch of more than HK $60, I would say that his restaurants did it well with he has made a lot of efforts. I think that it is quite cheap and the to-go food fastest in Central, Hong Kong. 

On the other hand, I really love to eat the Hainan chicken rice which made me memorize my happy childhood days spending time with my parents and my younger sister going out to eat on weekends. That is very meaningful to me.

3. What special challenges did you face creating the model? What was the most difficult part to recreate?

I think that a special challenge I faced was my first time using Lego pieces for building a dish with the scaling of 1:1. I'm usually familiar with building architecture than other things.

During designing the model, seasoned rice was the most difficult part for me. Why would I say that? When we looked at the real rice, we would see every single grain of rice. Here, I want to make the rice with a hemispherical shape but I still keep the resemblance of rice grains with dark tan (sand yellow) Lego plate, round 1 x1 in the Lego model compared to reality.

4. Are there any interesting parallels between the model and the real-life Hainan Chicken Rice?

Well, when I completed the model, I found that the appearance of pieces of chicken and cucumbers has some interesting parallels with the real-life Hainan Chicken Rice. It seems I can feel its delicious scent.

5. How long did it take to complete the model?

Actually, it took me three weeks or more but I really enjoyed every moment in the process of building.

6. Approximately how many Lego pieces did you use to create your model?

I would say the model includes seasoned rice with 241 pcs, five pieces of chicken with 74 pcs, three pieces of cucumbers with 45 pcs, a bamboo flat tray and cooking paper with 426 pcs, a cup of soup with 95 pcs, sauces with red (chili sweet and sour sauce), yellow (minced ginger), and black (sweet soy sauce) with totally 282 pcs. I approximately used 1,163 Lego pieces to create the Hainan Chicken Rice model.

7. Are there any unusual details on this model?

To make the model even more real, I tried to use the same technique which is cooking paper can be used to absorb the oil of seasoned rice and chicken.

8. What's your favorite part of this model?

My favorite part of this model might be the power of the model. Of course, in the model context, I like the way to build yellow pieces of chicken. It presents the message of Hainan Chicken Rice that what the Hainan Chicken Rice is and its culture and story. I believe that this would make a great Lego set someday in the future.

Lego ideas: Link

牛車水海南雞專門店 現已登陸@foodpanda_hongkong 

Foodpanda 訂餐連結:

中環店 https://www.foodpanda.hk/zh/restaurant/v0fa


G/F, 30 Gilman's Bazaar, Central


炮台山店 https://www.foodpanda.hk/zh/restaurant/d6gs


Shop 5-6, G/F, North Point Centre, 278-288 King's Road, North Point


旺角店 https://www.foodpanda.hk/zh/restaurant/m2yc


Shop 20, G/F, Ho King Commercial Centre, 2-16 Fa Yuen Street, Mong Kok


The Interview Article about David Wu (Chinese version, Hong Kong reporter)

中環美食|$34海南雞飯平絕港九 兩年開3店 老闆身兼食肆醫生止血最叻 發圍靠識計數,在香港搵食難,在中環搵食更艱難,說的是平日一到午膳時間,中環街頭巷尾就擠滿搵食男女。打工仔要在一小時內吃飯,若然還要浪費半小時等位,實在太奢侈,快靚正的外賣店,才是他們的醫肚首選。 

疫情下開兩間海南雞飯店, 良心老闆:最緊要伙計有工開



中環的機利文新街,每天在牛車水海南雞飯店前都排着人龍,無他因為$34一碟海南雞飯,對比中環一個lunch閒閒地60多元,顯得相當佛心。老闆David說,此店是在去年5月爆發社運前開的。「之後經常落閘走佬,總括都keep到條數。上月碰到第三波疫情,中環人不少都home office,人流少了6成。」他說就是上幾月疫情稍歇時,店還是人山人海。「我們由落order到給餐客人,只需25秒時間,一個中午可做5至7轉生意。」


分店投資額45萬 3個月可回本




海南雞飯 薄利多銷更實際


仲包3款醬(辣醬,薑蓉, 豉油) , 同埋一碗細細地既蘿蔔湯


