Singapore skyline

I was so happy to open my first Lego architecture skyline box at the beginning of the year 2022. It looked so great to explore one of the world’s most exciting cities - Singapore with 827 Lego pieces. 

The first impression is the box gives me so surprise because it is the first LEGO Architecture Skyline set to feature a deeper box without the premium box flap as every architecture set before. I think that it was a big change in the packaging of the Lego architecture set.

From the left to right, it presents with Marina Bay Sands, Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay, the Fullerton Hotel Singapore, Lau Pa Sat food market, One Raffles Place, the OCBC Centre, Boat Quay and Singapore River, and the Riverwalk. The designer created a very expensive and elegant perspective view in architecture that enhances the structure of every single building on the skyline. It provides for the builder to feel the skyline from complex to simple, and turn back to the complex. As a designer, I think that it could be a really interesting design and great experience in the build process and know what Singapore is as well.

I think that its price is very suitable at only 59.99 USD which is cheaper than the earlier #21021 Marina Bay Sands (2013). (Link Review)

Especially, I like the landscaping details which include some very cool Lego elements symbolizing the Singapore River and trees as well as tiny buildings at angles to the base. I also love the building of Marina Bay Sands which gave me a lot of immersive experience and learning on the scale down the model. Very excellent coordinate the colors and distribute the position for the iconic buildings on a horizontal line.

The measure of the Singapore skyline.

Height: 6.5 in. (16 cm)

Width: 11 in (28 cm) 

Depth 3.5 in. (9 cm) 

After the Singapore skyline, I am looking forward to the other skylines and single big buildings in architecture coming up this 2022 by Lego Group. 


REVIEW: SINGAPORE SKYLINE is a great article 

Chinese article by Lego Group 

用這款精緻的新加坡天際線模型喚啟「獅城」精神。盡情沉浸在 827 個零件組成的拼砌之旅,打造精巧的樂高® 積木版濱海灣金沙、華僑銀行大廈、萊佛士坊一號、老巴剎美食市集、濱海灣花園等等。結合摩天大樓、迷人的河濱老建築物與綠色植物,完成一款迷人的擺設品。

給大人的拼砌模型-這款樂高® 建築天際線系列模型(21057)以樂高風格重現新加坡極具代表性的建築物


景觀細節-組裝象徵新加坡河與樹木的樂高® 零件,並探索新的技法,以不同角度將建築物固定到底座上


拼砌與展示-此拼砌式城市天際線模型高逾 16 公分、寬逾 28 公分、深逾 9 公分,可放在家中或辦公室展示

沉浸式體驗-這套 827 片裝的拼砌盒組值得收藏,經過精心設計,帶您踏上創意拼砌之旅,感到放鬆、恢復元氣與滿滿的成就感


值得收藏、給大人的樂高® 盒組-這套樂高建築天際線系列新加坡紀念品盒組出自一系列給大人的優質拼砌組合,獻給像您一樣喜歡手工藝的玩家

品質有保障-樂高® 零件符合嚴格業界標準,確保它們可組成堅固模型

安全第一-樂高® 積木與零件經過拋落、加熱、碾壓、扭絞與分析,確保它們符合嚴格的全球安全標準

