Amazing Green (BDS_28580b) by Boi Design Studio

BOI DESIGN STUDIO @boi_design_studio

MOC Designer and Builder: Kitty Phung Huynh 


Year: 2022

HWE MU DUA - Adinkra Symbols of West Africa is a "measuring stick," symbol of examination and quality control. This symbol stresses the need to strive for the best quality, whether in the production of goods or in human endeavors.


Kitty Phung tried to create a building with a green architecture system and used the lens of Afrofuturism to present the beautiful culture of "BLACK PEOPLE," as well as the aesthetics and sustainability of architecture in “BLACK.” She named the building "Amazing Green" to be more close to nature.

Actually, the Amazing Green building is also a part of the Ideal City, located in Zone C. The building is supported by two sides of the small cliff. Especially, the slopes of the cliff also are used as the space of shelter connected to a small dome glass garden below the building.
